Questions specifically related to UCIrvine
Does the Action List only hold documents requiring Action, or does it also hold FYIs?
The Action list holds both documents requiring Action & FYIs.
How do you get rid of an FYI?
The recipient must “click” the drop down box and the “take action” button to remove the FYI notification from the action list.
What does a blind search look for?
A blind search means that no search criteria have been entered. Therefore, a blind search will return all items.
What happens if a DSA forgets to reassign someone after they leave the university?
The employee leaving will not have access to Kuali when the employee directory is reloaded.
Can an Account Supervisor Delegate? Can an Accounting Line Reviewer Delegate?
An Account Supervisor cannot delegate. An Accounting Line Reviewer can delegate.
Are campus users only going to be able to assign one delegate to one account at a time?
There is the ability to assign multiple accounts through the Account Global document.
Is there a report that can show all department account assignees?
While KFS will allow you to look up individual users in a department, Decision Support (UCIDS) should be able to provide reports on account assignees. UCIDS is replacing Data Warehouse.
Does creating a group document go through workflow?
If you disapprove a document, what will happen?
Currently, the document will be terminated (disapproved) and the initiator will receive a notification. If the initiator just needs to make a few changes, they can copy the returned document, creating a new document with the changes needed, and send the newly created document through the workflow.
If someone wanted to change something on a document while in workflow, can they?
Changes to a document in the workflow can be made by the Fiscal Officer.
If an employee is assigned as a delegate, can they also be assigned as another primary delegate?
Yes...an employee may be assigned as a delegate on several accounts.
What happens when you submit a document?
Once the document is submitted it is sent to the workflow. The document status will then change to “enroute”.
What happens to documents that are stalled in the workflow?
We will be devising a workflow management business process to insure that the KFS workflow moves smoothly.
Is the saved Document Search function like the data warehouse search?
No. This workflow tool is designed to locate documents in the workflow.
Why would there be two Fiscal Officers approving a document?
This would happen if there are two separate accounts with two separate Fiscal Officers on a document.
Is there a place to comment when you disapprove a document?
When a document is disapproved, there is a text box that requires an explanation/reason for the document being disapproved.
Who can change, edit and disapprove a document?
The Fiscal Officer can change, edit and/or disapprove a document.
Can you change your delegate just temporarily (not permanently)?
Yes, you can change your primary or secondary delegate at any time.
What is the difference if I assign a primary or a secondary delegate?
A primary delegate is a permanent delegation. A secondary delegate is a temporary delegation typically used when the Fiscal Officer is out of the office, e.g. vacation, seminar.
On action list, does it appear oldest first, or by document number, etc.?
The action list is in document order. The user may also sort each column.
How can you remove a delegate & assign someone else?
You will deselect the “account delegate active” button.
What is the Account Delegate Principal Name?
The UCInet ID.
Can you add a group to another group?
As a DSA, how would I request access to the system?
Is SAMS still going to be available?
Yes. SAMS SAMS is used in conjunction with the KSR form.
In the system lookup/search screen, is “Principal Name” going to be changed to UCInetID?
No. UnfortunatelyUnfortunately, “Principal Name” will be one of the new terms to learn in KFS (and it will refer to the UCInetID).
Can a Fiscal Officer delegate their authority without going through their Department Security Administrator (DSA)?
Yes. A A Fiscal Officer role can assign and assign and reassign different delegates quickly and quickly and without having to go through their DSA.
The Fiscal Officer can change the Account Manager assignee, who is the person responsible for the funding (commonly, it will it will be a PI).
What is an organization code and code and how does it report to others?
An organization code is similar to what used to be a department code (but not the same number), since departments and units are now being identified by organizations. Organization codes are randomly assigned and assigned and can be tied into other organization codes (like a department reporting to a school).
DSAs can assign individuals to roles and make changes in the system. DSAs should follow department, school, and administrative unit decisions regarding assigning individuals a role in the system. There will be controls in place as to who can make role changes in the system.
Will employee roles be designated at the department/organization level or school level?
Employee role designation is not done by Accounting Systems. Assigning employees/positions to have certain roles (like Fiscal Officer, etc.) must be discussed between the school, the department, and any other appropriate unit, in order to make a decision before KFS goes live.
As an Account Manager, can the PI approve a transaction in workflow?
A PI is typically assigned to an account as Account Manager. This is not a role, rather simply an identification of account responsibility. Each organization’s business process may require that certain transactions by Ad-Hoc routed to the PI for review.
How long do unresolved action items stay in the user’s action list?
Currently, pending action items will stay in a user’s action list forever.
Does a transaction with Ad-Hoc routing for “acknowledgement” cause the workflow to stop until this transaction has been viewed and acknowledged?
No, requiring document acknowledgement allows the document to continue through the workflow.
How will workflow be approved by the Fiscal Officer if there are multiple accounts?
The Fiscal Officer for each account must approve the transaction.
Will Ad-Hoc approval replace the Fiscal Officer approval?
No. The Ad-Hoc approval will be in addition to the base workflow.
Can anyone see/create a document in the Kuali Financial System?
Yes. Any University employee with a UCInetID will have access to KFS and the ability to initiate most documents.
Can a manager view their employee’s action list?
No. However, the manager will be able to view documents created by using the document search workflow tool.