Versions Compared


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DB ParameterJava ParameterDescriptionData TypeExample
PROJECT_CDkfsProjCodeKFS Project CodeString (10)'1234567890'
OBJ_IDkfsProjObjIDkfsProjObjIdKFS Project Object IDString (36)

'KFS Project Title'

VER_NBRkfsProjVerNumberKFS Project Version NumberString(8) 
PROJ_MGR_UNVL_IDkfsProjManagerIDkfsProjManagerIdThe User ID of the person responsible for the projectString(10) 
PROJECT_NMkfsProjNameThe long descriptive name of the projectString(40) 
FIN_COA_CDkfsChartCodeThe chart code associated with the organization assigned to the project codeString(2) 
ORG_CDkfsOrgCodeThe organization code associated with the projectString(4) 
PROJ_ACTIVE_CDkfsProjActiveCodeIndicates if the project is active.String(1) 
PROJECT_DESCkfsProjDescThe text description describing the purpose of the project codeString(400) 
