We do not have Partial or Full flag in the encumbrance transactions themselves. You will just pass the amount you are encumbering or disencumbering and the Open Encumbrance Table will track the open and closed amount. In the PURAP Invoice Document, however, you can designate the FINAL payment, that will disencumber the remaining encumbrance.
8) How is KFS different in its handling fiscal year end closing? How are carry forwards handled? How do you run the trial balances of the accounting processes?
We don't anticipate any significant difference from the way we currently handle fiscal year end closing, but more testing is needed. How we handle Handling of carry forwards are is yet to be determined.
9) Who will be the system of record on the UCOP funds for PBS/FMW reporting?
Again, a direct feed does not use the Pending Table (pending is only for on-line transactions). The scrubber posts output of Collector or Enterprise job.
Any error transactions are moved to an error file where the accounting staff will make corrections and push them through – we have a UI for it (GLCP document).The access to this screen is limited to the super user in the accounting area. They will work the people in the functional areas when correcting the errors the same as they do now. The error file is one single file which will contain feeds from various feeder systems.
15) Would we have the ability to define fields like a job number and/or work order in the document and then be able to search by them in the GL?
Since business rules are based on Document Type, how easy is it to make a custom Document Type? What does it take to create/modify a business
rule? Can we set up validation for any field sent in a transaction?
Yes, you can use Org Doc Number or Org Ref ID for your use and they are searchable. To create a new Doc Type, we will first need to define the Doc Type in our Doc Type table and then we will have to modify our scrubber code, which is not trivial. Modifying scrubber will be our last resort and we do not normally touch that code. Scrubber already has various validations so we should sit down and discuss what else you are wanting to see. Typically, we expect that the feeder files to be already validated within the source system. Business rules are normally enforced in the KFS on-line document.16) The handout indicates that there is an organizational hierarchy defined within Kuali. Is there a link between an account and a
department? So if we send to the GL just the account information would Kuali be able to generate a report to search by an organization code for
all accounts and transactions for that organization?
Yes, department (organization code) is an attribute of an account. Yes, Organization Code is not a searchable field on the transaction but
I would think that it can be added easily.
17) Billing corrections could potentially be performed by the user in Kuali itself if Kuali can report by custom fields like job number. That
would make Kuali the most accurate repository of financial costs pertaining to a job apart from its ability to report by account
KFS has GEC (General Error Correction Document) or error correction feature (if you have transacted on KFS, you can click a button to generate reversing entries).
18) At a future date what do you think is the possibility of using web services to do real time upload of charges from feeder systems?
We could allow them to upload collector files via a SOAP web service at any time the system is up. However, they should not expect the ledger to be updated in real time, as I beliee we're
still planning on having a nightly accounting cycle.