Parameter | Description | Data Type | Example |
kfsChartCode | KFS Chart Code | String (2) | 'IR' |
kfsAcctNumber | KFS Account Number | String (7) | '1234567' |
isValid | Is the Chart/Account Active for that effective date (or today)? | boolean | true |
WS Example
Code Block |
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:adc="http://www.adcom.uci.edu">
</soapenv:Envelope> |
Code Block |
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Body> <ns2:isValidKFSExpenseAccountsResponse xmlns:ns2="http://www.adcom.uci.edu"> <return> <kfsAcctNumber>1008543</kfsAcctNumber> <kfsChartCode>IR</kfsChartCode> <valid>true</valid> </return> <return> <kfsAcctNumber>1234</kfsAcctNumber> <kfsChartCode>XX</kfsChartCode> <valid>false</valid> </return> <return> <kfsAcctNumber>1000766</kfsAcctNumber> <kfsChartCode>IR</kfsChartCode> <valid>false</valid> </return> </ns2:isValidKFSExpenseAccountsResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> |
Java Client Example
getValidKFSAccounts(List of (kfsChartCode, kfsAccountCode))
DB Parameter | Java Parameter | Description | Data Type | Example |
FIN_COA_CD | kfsChartCode | KFS Chart Code | String (2) | 'IR' |
ACCOUNT_NBR | kfsAcctNumber | KFS Account Number | String (7) | '1234567' |
ACCOUNT_NM | kfsAcctName | KFS Account Name | String (40) | |
ACCT_FSC_OFC_UID | kfsAcctFiscalOfficerId | KFS Account Fiscal Officer ID | String | |
ACCT_SPVSR_UNVL_ID | kfsAcctSupervisorId | KFS Account Supervisor ID | String | |
ACCT_MGR_UNVL_ID | kfsAcctManagerId | KFS Account Manager ID | String | |
ORG_CD | kfsOrgCode | KFS Organization Code | String | |
ACCT_TYP_CD | kfsAcctTypeCode | KFS Account Type Code | String | |
ACCT_PHYS_CMP_CD | kfsAcctCampusCode | KFS Account Campus Code | String | |
SUB_FUND_GRP_CD | kfsSubFundCode | KFS Sub Fund Group Code | String | |
ACCT_FRNG_BNFT_CD | kfsAcctFringeBenefitCode | KFS Account Fringe Benefit Code | String | |
FIN_HGH_ED_FUNC_CD | kfsHigherEduFundCode | KFS Higher Education Function Code | String | |
ACCT_RSTRC_STAT_CD | kfsAcctRestrictedCode | KFS Account Restricted Status Code | String | |
ACCT_RSTRC_STAT_DT | kfsAcctRestrictedDate | KFS Account Restricted Status Date | String | |
ACCT_CITY_NM | kfsAcctCity | KFS Account City Name | String | |
ACCT_STATE_CD | kfsAcctState | KFS Account State Code | String | |
ACCT_STREET_ADDR | kfsAcctAddress | KFS Account Street Address | String | |
ACCT_ZIP_CD | kfsAcctZip | KFS Account Zip Code | String | |
RPTS_TO_FIN_COA_CD | kfsFringeBenefitChart | KFS Fringe Benefit Chart | String | |
RPTS_TO_ACCT_NBR | kfsFringeBenefitAcct | KFS Fringe Benefit Account | String | |
ACCT_CREATE_DT | kfsAcctCreateDate | KFS Account Create Date | String | |
ACCT_EFFECT_DT | kfsAcctEffectiveDate | KFS Account Effective Date | String | |
ACCT_EXPIRATION_DT | kfsAcctExpDate | KFS Account Expiration Date | String | |
CONT_FIN_COA_CD | kfsContChartCode | KFS Continuation Chart Code | String | |
CONT_ACCOUNT_NBR | kfsContAcctNumber | KFS Continuation Account Number | String | |
ENDOW_FIN_COA_CD | kfsEndowChartCode | KFS Endowment Chart Code | String | |
ENDOW_ACCOUNT_NBR | kfsEndowAcctNumber | KFS Endowment Account Number | String | |
CONTR_CTRL_FCOA_CD | kfsCandGChartCode | KFS C&G Control Chart Code | String | |
CONTR_CTRLACCT_NBR | kfsCandGAcctNumber | KFS C&G Control Account Number | String | |
INCOME_FIN_COA_CD | kfsIncomeChartCode | KFS Income Stream Chart Code | String | |
INCOME_ACCOUNT_NBR | kfsIncomeAcctNumber | KFS Income Stream Account Number | String | |
ACCT_ICR_TYP_CD | kfsICRTypeCode | KFS ICR Type Code | String | |
AC_CSTM_ICREXCL_CD | kfsCustomICRCode | KFS Custom ICR Code | String | |
FIN_SERIES_ID | kfsICRRateCode | KFS ICR Rate Code | String | |
ICR_FIN_COA_CD | kfsICRChartCode | KFS ICR Credit Chart Code | String | |
ICR_ACCOUNT_NBR | kfsICRAcctNumber | KFS ICR Credit Account Number | String | |
ACCT_IN_FP_CD | kfsTPSFCode | KFS Transaction Processing Sufficient Funds Check Code | String | |
BDGT_REC_LVL_CD | kfsBudgetLevelCode | KFS Budget Recording Level Code | String | |
ACCT_SF_CD | kfsAcctSFCode | KFS Account Sufficient Fund Check Code | String | |
ACCT_PND_SF_CD | kfsAcctPSFCode | KFS Account Pending Sufficient Fund Check Code | String | |
FIN_EXT_ENC_SF_CD | kfsEESFCode | KFS External Encumbrance Sufficient Fund Check Code | String | |
FIN_INT_ENC_SF_CD | kfsIESFCode | KFS Internal Encumbrance Sufficient Fund Check Code | String | |
FIN_PRE_ENC_SF_CD | kfsPESFCode | KFS Pre-Encumbrance Sufficient Fund Check Code | String | |
FIN_OBJ_PRSCTRL_CD | kfsObjPCCode | KFS Object Presence Control Code | String | |
CG_CFDA_NBR | kfsCGCFDANumber | KFS CG CFDA number | String | |
ACCT_OFF_CMP_IND | kfsAcctOffCampusCode | KFS Account Off Campus Indicator Code | String | |
ACCT_CLOSED_IND | kfsAcctClosedCode | KFS Account Closed Indicator Code | String | |
CG_ACCT_RESP_ID | kfsAcctRespId | KFS Account Responsibility ID | String | |
UC_LOC_CD | ucLocationCode | FS Location Code (legacy) | String(1) | |
UC_ACCT_NBR | ucAccountCode | FS Account Code (legacy) | String(6) | |
UC_FUND_NBR | ucFundCode | FS Fund Code (legacy) | String(5) |
WS Example
Code Block |
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:adc="http://www.adcom.uci.edu">
</soapenv:Envelope> |
Code Block |
Java Client Example
No input parameter, ALL active charts/accounts will return in result set.
DB Query
Code Block |
FROM ca_account_t a LEFT OUTER JOIN uci_ca_account_xw_t b on (a.FIN_COA_CD |
Result Schema: SAME as getValidKFSAccounts
WS Example
Code Block |
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:adc="http://www.adcom.uci.edu"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <kfsICRTypeCode>0</kfsICRTypeCode><adc:getAllKFSAccounts/> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> |
Code Block |
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Body> |
<ns2:getValidKFSAccountsResponse xmlns:ns2="http://www.adcom.uci.edu"> <return> |
<kfsAcctAddress>Campus |
Dr</ |
kfsAcctAddress> |
<kfsAcctCampusCode>IR</ |
kfsAcctCampusCode> |
<kfsAcctCity>Irvine</ |
kfsAcctCity> |
<kfsAcctClosedCode>N</ |
kfsAcctClosedCode> |
<kfsAcctCreateDate>2012-05-13</kfsAcctCreateDate> |
<kfsAcctEffectiveDate>2011-07-01</kfsAcctEffectiveDate> |
<kfsAcctFiscalOfficerId>000000061717</ |
kfsAcctFiscalOfficerId> |
<kfsAcctFringeBenefitCode>Y</ |
kfsAcctFringeBenefitCode> |
<kfsAcctManagerId>000000121170</kfsAcctManagerId> <kfsAcctName>MERAGE/DEAN'S |
OFFICE/EDUCAT 400100-09535</kfsAcctName> |
<kfsAcctNumber>1008543</kfsAcctNumber> |
<kfsAcctOffCampusCode>N</ |
kfsAcctOffCampusCode> |
<kfsAcctPSFCode>N</ |
kfsAcctPSFCode> |
<kfsAcctRestrictedCode>U</ |
kfsAcctRestrictedCode> |
<kfsAcctSFCode>N</ |
kfsAcctSFCode> |
<kfsAcctState>CA</kfsAcctState> |
<kfsAcctSupervisorId>000000082229</kfsAcctSupervisorId> |
<kfsAcctTypeCode>EX</ |
kfsAcctTypeCode> |
<kfsAcctZip>92697</ |
kfsAcctZip> |
<kfsBudgetLevelCode>C</kfsBudgetLevelCode> |
<kfsCandGAcctNumber>9975430</kfsCandGAcctNumber> |
<kfsCandGChartCode>MC</ |
kfsCandGChartCode> |
<kfsChartCode>IR</ |
kfsChartCode> |
<kfsContAcctNumber>0</ |
kfsContAcctNumber> |
<kfsContChartCode>0</ |
kfsContChartCode> |
<kfsEESFCode>N</ |
kfsEESFCode> |
<kfsEndowChartCode>0</ |
kfsEndowChartCode> |
<kfsFringeBenefitAcct>0</ |
kfsFringeBenefitAcct> |
<kfsFringeBenefitChart>0</ |
kfsFringeBenefitChart> |
<kfsHigherEduFundCode>INST</ |
kfsHigherEduFundCode> |
<kfsICRTypeCode>0</ |
kfsICRTypeCode> |
<kfsIESFCode>N</ |
kfsIESFCode> |
<kfsIncomeAcctNumber>0</ |
kfsIncomeAcctNumber> |
<kfsIncomeChartCode>0</ |
kfsIncomeChartCode> |
<kfsObjPCCode>N</ |
kfsObjPCCode> |
<kfsOrgCode>0049</ |
kfsOrgCode> |
<kfsPESFCode>N</ |
kfsPESFCode> |
<kfsSubFundCode>OPPFNO</ |
kfsSubFundCode> |
<kfsTPSFCode>Y</ |
kfsTPSFCode> |
<ucAccountCode>400100</ |
ucAccountCode> |
<ucFundCode>09535</ |
ucFundCode> |
<ucLocationCode>9</ucLocationCode> </return> <return> |
<kfsAcctAddress>Campus |
Dr</ |
kfsAcctAddress> |
<kfsAcctCampusCode>IR</ |
kfsAcctCampusCode> |
<kfsAcctCity>Irvine</ |
kfsAcctCity> |
<kfsAcctClosedCode>N</ |
kfsAcctClosedCode> |
<kfsAcctCreateDate>2012-05-13</kfsAcctCreateDate> |
<kfsAcctEffectiveDate>2011-07-01</kfsAcctEffectiveDate> |
<kfsAcctFringeBenefitCode>Y</ |
kfsAcctFringeBenefitCode> |
<kfsAcctManagerId>000000066894</kfsAcctManagerId> <kfsAcctName>CA-BOA- CAMPUS - |
1233-12007 110001-18888</kfsAcctName> |
<kfsAcctNumber>1000766</ |
kfsAcctNumber> |
Java Client Example
No input parameter, ALL active charts/accounts will return in result set.
DB Query
Code Block |
SELECT a.FIN_COA_CD <kfsAcctOffCampusCode>N</kfsAcctOffCampusCode> ,a.ACCOUNT_NBR <kfsAcctPSFCode>N</kfsAcctPSFCode> ,a.ACCOUNT_NM ,a.ACCT_FSC_OFC_UID <kfsAcctRestrictedCode>U</kfsAcctRestrictedCode> ,a.ACCT_SPVSR_UNVL_ID ,a.ACCT_MGR_UNVL_ID <kfsAcctSFCode>N</kfsAcctSFCode> ,a.ORG_CD <kfsAcctState>CA</kfsAcctState> ,a.ACCT_TYP_CD ,a.ACCT_PHYS_CMP_CD <kfsAcctSupervisorId>000000960010</kfsAcctSupervisorId> ,a.SUB_FUND_GRP_CD ,a.ACCT_FRNG_BNFT_CD <kfsAcctTypeCode>BS</kfsAcctTypeCode> ,a.FIN_HGH_ED_FUNC_CD ,a.ACCT_RSTRC_STAT_CD<kfsAcctZip>92697</kfsAcctZip> ,a.ACCT_RSTRC_STAT_DT <kfsBudgetLevelCode>C</kfsBudgetLevelCode> ,a.ACCT_CITY_NM ,a.ACCT_STATE_CD <kfsCandGAcctNumber>9975430</kfsCandGAcctNumber> ,a.ACCT_STREET_ADDR ,a.ACCT_ZIP_CD <kfsCandGChartCode>MC</kfsCandGChartCode> ,a.RPTS_TO_FIN_COA_CD ,a.RPTS_TO_ACCT_NBR <kfsChartCode>IR</kfsChartCode> ,a.ACCT_CREATE_DT ,a.ACCT_EFFECT_DT<kfsContAcctNumber>0</kfsContAcctNumber> ,a.ACCT_EXPIRATION_DT <kfsContChartCode>0</kfsContChartCode> ,a.CONT_FIN_COA_CD ,a.CONT_ACCOUNT_NBR <kfsEESFCode>N</kfsEESFCode> ,a.ENDOW_FIN_COA_CD ,a.ENDOW_ACCOUNT_NBR <kfsEndowChartCode>0</kfsEndowChartCode> ,a.CONTR_CTRL_FCOA_CD ,a.CONTR_CTRLACCT_NBR <kfsFringeBenefitAcct>0</kfsFringeBenefitAcct> ,a.INCOME_FIN_COA_CD ,a.INCOME_ACCOUNT_NBR<kfsFringeBenefitChart>0</kfsFringeBenefitChart> ,a.ACCT_ICR_TYP_CD ,a.AC_CSTM_ICREXCL_CD<kfsHigherEduFundCode>NA</kfsHigherEduFundCode> ,a.FIN_SERIES_ID <kfsICRTypeCode>0</kfsICRTypeCode> ,a.ICR_FIN_COA_CD ,a.ICR_ACCOUNT_NBR <kfsIESFCode>N</kfsIESFCode> ,a.ACCT_IN_FP_CD ,a.BDGT_REC_LVL_CD <kfsIncomeAcctNumber>0</kfsIncomeAcctNumber> ,a.ACCT_SF_CD ,a.ACCT_PND_SF_CD <kfsIncomeChartCode>0</kfsIncomeChartCode> ,a.FIN_EXT_ENC_SF_CD <kfsObjPCCode>N</kfsObjPCCode> ,a.FIN_INT_ENC_SF_CD ,a.FIN_PRE_ENC_SF_CD <kfsOrgCode>0922</kfsOrgCode> ,a.FIN_OBJ_PRSCTRL_CD ,a.CG_CFDA_NBR <kfsPESFCode>N</kfsPESFCode> ,a.ACCT_OFF_CMP_IND ,a.ACCT_CLOSED_IND <kfsSubFundCode>STC&G</kfsSubFundCode> ,CG_ACCT_RESP_ID ,b.UC_LOC_CD ,b.UC_ACCT_NBR ,b.UC_FUND_NBR FROM ca_account_t a LEFT OUTER JOIN uci_ca_account_xw_t b on (a.FIN_COA_CD = b.FIN_COA_CD and a.ACCOUNT_NBR = b.ACCOUNT_NBR) WHERE a.ACCT_CLOSED_IND <> 'Y' AND (a.ACCT_EXPIRATION_DT >= getdate() or a.ACCT_EXPIRATION_DT IS NULL) AND (a.ACCT_EFFECT_DT <= GETDATE()) |
Result Schema: SAME as getValidKFSAccounts
WS Example
<kfsTPSFCode>Y</kfsTPSFCode> <ucAccountCode>110001</ucAccountCode> <ucFundCode>18888</ucFundCode> <ucLocationCode>9</ucLocationCode> </return> |
</ns2:getValidKFSAccountsResponse> </ |
soap:Body> </ |
soap:Envelope> |
Java Client Example
translateFSAccountFunds(List of (fsLocationCode, fsAccountCode, fsFundCode))
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Example |
fsLocationCode | The FS location code | String (2) | 9 |
fsAccountCode | The FS accounts code | String (6) | 110001 |
fsFundCode | The FS fund code | String (5) | 111200 |
kfsChartCode | KFS Chart Code | String (2) | 'IR' |
kfsAcctNumber | KFS Account Number | String (7) | '1234567' |
WS Example
Code Block |
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:adc="http://www.adcom.uci.edu">
</soapenv:Envelope> |
Code Block |
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns2:translateFSAccountFundsResponse xmlns:ns2="http://www.adcom.uci.edu">
</soap:Envelope> |
Java Client Example