- Place files being sent to KFS in the upload directory. The download directory will contain any files sent from KFS to your system.
- The file name must start with the file type to correctly identify it (kfsgl_, kfspdp_, kfschk_, fs_, pal_) followed by the xfer logon id (kfsac, kfssb, etc.)
- It would be useful to end the file names with a timestamp before the extension.
- For example kfsgl_20121130161901.xml (for Collector XML file) or kfsgl_20121130161901.data (Collector flat file), the timestamp in this case is November 30th, 2012 4:19:01 pm.
- The reason why this is preferable as opposed to using a static file name is because in KFS you can upload multiple files and this way you do not overwrite an existing file that has not been processed. KFS will process the multiple files together.
- If your system will be using the GL Black Box please use the prefix fs_ along with the .dat extension, for example fs_20131130161901.dat.
- If your system will be using the PDP Black Box please use the prefix pal_ along with the .dat extension, for example pal_20131130161901.dat.
Once a file is moved from XFER to the KFS staging area it will be renamed with a .staged file extension. These files will be removed from the server probably once a month.
File Purpose XFER Directory Naming Convention Example GL Collector XML Feed upload kfsgl_LOGONID_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.xml kfsgl_kfssb_20121130161901.xml (for Collector XML file) GL Collector Flat File Feed upload kfsgl_LOGONID_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.data kfsgl_kfssb_20121130161901.data (Collector flat file) PDP Payment XML Feed upload kfspdp_LOGONID_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.xml kfspdp_kfssb_20121130161901.xml FS Legacy GL Flat File upload fs_LOGONID_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.dat fs_kfssb_20131130161901.dat PAL Legacy Payment Flat File upload pal_LOGONID_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.dat pal_kfssb_20131130161901.dat Electronic Invoices upload kfsinv_LOGONID_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.xml kfsinv_kfsei_20121130161901.xml PDP Check Feedback Flat File download kfschk_LOGONID_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.dat kfschk_kfssb_20131130161901.dat