- Receive and stamp new invoices
- Enter into AMS
- Scan invoices with blank PO and email to dept for approval
- Require Dept approval via email
- AP prints email and attachs to invoices
- Process and batch in AMS
- AP batches is ftp to PAL system. PAL then cut checks to pay vendors
- AP audi trail is sent to eDocs for scanning
- AP goes to FAIS to audit batches from previous day and send hardcopy to eDocs for scanning
- Scanned Images are available to campus accounting for auditing purpose
AP Process (new):
- Receive and stamp new invoices
- Enter into AMS
- Scan invoices with blank PO and email to dept for approval
- Require Dept approval via email
- AP prints email and attachs to invoices
- Process and batch in AMS
- PDP extract payment only with KFS Vendor number (alias). Check/ACH are produced by P software
- AP audit trail is sent to eDocs for scanning
Vendor Management