This wiki page will be used to document all of the work needed to test the KFS org hierarchy changes that will occur in September 2018.
Report Analysis
ETL Analysis
We will use the dss_kfs database to test the org changes on lunar
We will need to ask the dba team to create a new stage_kfs database (stage_kfs_test), copy stage_kfs to this new db
For incremental loads, the tables will need to be truncated on stage_kfs_test and ods_kbm schema
The KFS_UCP environment is refreshed from prod every Monday. Keiko manually runs a script to update the orgs after the environment is refreshed.
Austin Anh will manually change the source to KFS_UCP, and change the target to dss_kfs and stage_kfs_test before running the workflows
Create new Cognos folders for test packages and reports (Hidden Org Test)
Once reports are ready for deploy, they will be copied to the Hidden QA folder
How will we test the changes on MySQL and OLTP SQL Server (titania?)