- Need Wells Fargo routing number for printing at bottom of checks.
- Need Wells Fargo account number for printing at bottom of checks. (Complete - 6/15/2017)
- Need controller signature on Piracle form. (Complete - 6/13/2017)
- Piracle vendor to digitize signature. (In process - 6/13/2017)
- Need exact wording of Medical Center name and address for checks.
- Determine if day time adhoc check printing is desired. If so, where to print check(s)?
Medical Center to acquire their own on-demand check printer? Use Campus Accounting check printer (with permission of Campus Accounting)? - Determine check stock requirements with UCOP (not needed day 1)
- Determine check stock requirements with Wells Fargo (not needed day 1)
- Need inquiry email address to print in remittance area (not needed day 1)
- Finalize software changes with Piracle vendor (not needed day 1)
- Finalize generic check stock order with Steven Pitchford (not needed day 1)