Table of Contents |
UCI's TEST TouchNet Operation Center URL:
Warning Bookmark the original "clean" URL. Always use this URL, as the URL with all the parameters appended will stop working as time passes, since it includes a dynamic parameter that facilitates single-sign-on.
- Realm: C21570
Usernames are prefixed with realm (e.g. C21570.doct)
- Use Firefox or IE.
- TouchNet Operation Center is not officially supported on Chrome. Has known issues running on Chrome
- Note that the browser restriction is only for the Operation Center
- Per Mathew Lindley, the mall/store/payment pages work on all browsers
- (Cecilia Do) 200230207: Configure time zone in local user profile
To set the time zone for how data is displayed in the uCommerce, please follow these steps:
Log into uCommerce > in the upper right, click your name > Then select "Edit Profile"
Once that page comes up, set the time zone to desired settings. > Then click "Save"
- CD: This impacts the Payment Gateway reports. Marketplace reports already reflect Pacific time, regardless of profile Time Zone setting
TouchNet Users Guide
You can access TouchNet User Guides here: . This requires a UCI account.
The documentation includes:
- Marketplace Users Guide - guide for both uStore and uPay
- uStores Layout
TouchNet Users Guide
You can access TouchNet User Guides here: . This requires a UCI account.
The documentation includes:
- Marketplace Users Guide - guide for both uStore and uPay
- uStores Layout Guide - specific layout guide for uStores
- uPay Technical Guide - specific guide for uPay
- How do I view my store?
You can view your store by going to “Marketplace Home” at the top of your left hand bar. Look for your store under the “Stores” section, and there is a “View Store” link towards the right.
- (Cecilia Do) Is there only one shopping mall for our Marketplace account? Or can we freely create however many malls we need and include whichever stores in each mall?
- 20150825 Mathew Lindley: Each customer had one mall. To have a separate mall you would need to purchase a separate instance of Marketplace.
- (Cecilia Do) Configure store payment at:
- Group Payment Methods
- Store default payment methods
- Product
(Cecilia Do) Configure shipping:
Must always create a shipping class
- Even no shipping for store, must still create a shipping class a "None" option.
(Cecilia Do) Configure tax:
- Use "default tax rate"
- Store => Store Settings
- Turn on "Use Tax Service"
- Select "California" option
- Can configure tax on the shipping
- Can configure tax per product
(John Romine) How do I set the units for each item? For example, a product is a "box of 12 widgets" which costs $5. It's sold as $5/bx. The website only shows the $5 price, and doesn't indicate the units, which could be confusing for the buyer as to whether she's purchasing one unit or one box of 12.
- 20150818 Mathew Lindley: On this I would use the short/long description to notify the customer that one box contains 12 widgets
- (John Romine) How can I sell fractional quantities. For example, I sell jelly beans for $8/lb. Our smallest quantity sold is 1/4 lb, but we will sell any increment of that amount (e.g., 3-3/4 lbs).
- 20150818 Mathew Lindley: There isn’t any really good way to do this in uStores. Again you could notify the customer in the descriptions that 1 unit =.25 lbs at $2/unit. Or you could even make the product as a donation product type and let the customer enter their price rather than having to choose a number of units, then simply say that the customer can enter as much money as they would like to pay and the rate is $8/lb.
- (John Romine) How do I differentiate price by customer type. For example, we offer a student price, a staff price, a faculty price and an outside (public) price. This is different from offering per-item variable pricing/discount, since each customer can only purchase items of the correct type (no mixing selections) and the income goes into different accounts.
- 20150818 Mathew Lindley: Since I-Rong has request an LDAP connection to make a private uStore, I would have a private student faculty and staff store, then also a public store that offer the same items. A more manual approach would be to have one store with one product for sale, then use modifiers to ask if the customer is a student, faculty, staff or n/a. collect name and credentials students and faculty/staff and manually validate this against reports. Whether one or the other is more feasible would depend on volume of transaction
- (John Romine) For donation items, how do I add description next to the various donation amounts, for example: Gold $2500, Silver $1000, Bronze $500?
20150818 Mathew Lindley: I would use the short/long product descriptions to describe the various donations amounts for example:
Code Block <p><b>Thank you for your interest! Please choose from the donation values described below</b></p> <p>Gold- $2500</p> <p>Silver- $1000</p> <p>Bronze- $500</p>
- (John Romine) How do I have a multi-line input field, for example the lettering to be printed on a shirt is three lines long. Can I have a single text area input or do I need to have three single-line input fields?
- 20150818 Mathew Lindley: It would be best to have three single line input fields limited in their characters to the limit offered on the t-shirts
- (John Romine) For a job fair, companies who purchase our "Gold" package are allowed to bring an unlimited number of representatives. We need to collect the names of each representative so we can print badges for them. How do I add a text input field where the representatives names can be entered with an 'Add More' button where the customer can add as many additional input fields as needed.
- 20150818 Mathew Lindley: uStores can’t do the ‘add more’ option. Depending on the largest possible amount of attendees anticipated, you could have as many optional text fields for ‘Attendee 1, Attendee 2, 3, 4, etc… and the customer could fill out as many as needed then leave the rest blank.
- (John Romine) When we sell conference registrations, we want to optionally sell parking passes. The customer can buy as many parking passes as she wants, but only if she is buying a conference registration item. How do I set this up?
- 20150818 Mathew Lindley: Offer these items only as additional items at checkout. This will still allow the customer to purchase as many as they would like.
- (John Romine) How do I associate the "additional items" with their primary item? For example, if you pay for a conference registration, an additional item might be a conference t-shirt. The t-shirt purchase is only available to conference attendees. I tried adding an "additional item", but it shows up at checkout regardless of what items are in your cart (i.e., whether or not the conference registration was purchased).
- 20150923 Mathew Lindley: That is correct. In this case the parent product would need to have it's own store to exclusive sell the child product.
- (Cecilia Do) Can you delete a uStore/uPay as long as it hasn’t taken payments yet? And once a payment is taken, the store/site can only be disabled, not deleted?
- 20150825 Mathew Lindley: Correct.
- (Cecilia Do) It looks like uStore and uPay names are not required to be unique.
- 20150825 Mathew Lindley: Correct.
- (Cecilia Do) When a store is no longer used, we can only disable it? And it will forever show up on the Revenue by Merchant reports with 0 amounts?
- 20150825 Mathew Lindley: Correct, although it will only show up with zero depending on how far you search back. If you haven’t used the store or site you can delete it.
(Cecilia Do) When a uStore's name is changed, the reports will display the new name, even for transaction data before the name change.
(Linda Snyder) 20150918 CD: Select "No" for Perform General Ledger Updates. That feature does not work for us since we do not have Banner or PeopleSoft.
- (Cecilia Do on behalf of Chris Wong) A department is requesting to confirm with you that the store and product templates is a feature that will be rolled out this year. By templates, we mean that there is a store skeleton that we can copy/clone to make another store. The same concept applies to cloning products.
- 20150917 Mathew Lindley: We have no plans to published pre-formatted templates, we are actually looking rather at cloning. We have no set date for store cloning, the answer right now I get is “maybe in the future”. On the other hand, product cloning is scheduled to roll out in late October. In a sense, being able to clone a product allows you to create your own templates rather than relying on TouchNet to create the template you want, so I think this should be very helpful to our schools.
-Note: The TouchNet can do product clone in the same store since 20161123. However, it is not possible to clone products across the stores.
- 20150917 Mathew Lindley: We have no plans to published pre-formatted templates, we are actually looking rather at cloning. We have no set date for store cloning, the answer right now I get is “maybe in the future”. On the other hand, product cloning is scheduled to roll out in late October. In a sense, being able to clone a product allows you to create your own templates rather than relying on TouchNet to create the template you want, so I think this should be very helpful to our schools.
- How to clone product in a Store?
First go to your Store and then select the Product on the left menu-bar. After that, select the corresponding product to clone as shown in the picture below: - (Cecilia Do on behalf of Linda Snyder) I understand that TouchNet has monthly maintenance. Are we able to request for uninterrupted service during our peak payment period? For example, the period 2-3 weeks where students make an SIR (Student Intent to Register) payment is critical. Can we request for uninterrupted service during those weeks?
- 20150916 Michelle Sullivan: You are correct, we do have monthly maintenance that occur on Wednesday. Unfortunately it is a datacenter-wide activity and we cannot pull certain schools from this. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
- (Dianne Bean) 20150928 Mathew Lindley: Adding new merchants / uStores / uPay sites does NOT require any kind of restart. As soon as they are created, they will show up.
How to view reversals (voids/refunds) in reports
Marketplace Reports » Stores » <store name> » By Product
- Input date range
Product drilldown will list out individual transaction and refund lines
(John Romine) 20150922: I'm having some problems with TouchNet Marketplace on the Chrome browser. This is with Chrome version 45.0.2454.99 on Windows 7 but I have encountered the same issue under ChromeOS. Both these operations work correctly under Firefox 38.
In the Engineering Store, under FABWorks, attempting to add a product to the cart results in the product not being added, and a message saying You have no items in your cart.
In the admin interface, in Engineering Store General Settings, attempting to change any setting does not work. The selected form control is simply reset and loses focus. For example, trying to change Store Home Page Layout results in the select box immediately closing without allowing a selection change.
- (John Romine) 20150923: Yes, I was able to verify that you have fixed the problems both with adding items to the cart, and with making changes in the the admin interface (in the TEST store). This was tested with Chrome 45.0.2454.99 on Windows 7, and also with Chrome 45.0.2454.86 (64 bit) on ChromeOS.
- (Cecilia Do) Regarding going live. 20150930 Mathew Lindley (in red)
- For uStore, there is a preview mode that allows us to see the stores look-and-feel without it being accessible by customers? Correct
- Is there a way to test to the point of authorization and viewing reports? I’m guessing the store needs to be enabled, and the department can use their own real card to make an authorization, view the reports, and do a same-day reversal.
That is also correct. Since you are launching, it is fairly safe to enable the store to make some test runs since none of your students will know how to get to the stores until you start making the store URLs available.
- (Linda Snyder) The “Site Email Address” item in “General Settings” of the Miscellaneous page…. Is this for administrator announcements/alerts? Or is this for users to submit queries?
Used as the contact e-mail address on e-mail confirmation messages to the customer. In addition, warning messages for posting URL failures, GL update failures, and recurring payment failures are sent to this e-mail address.
- (Cecilia Do) For the “Registered Users” functionality in Marketplace, are these accounts on the Marketplace level? Or is it for each individual store? For example, when I register and create an account on uStore A, can I use this same account in uStore B? In the mall?
- 20151009 Mathew Lindley: Registered Users are system wide.
- 20151009 Mathew Lindley: That means any store where Peter the Anteater can gain access and where you are allowing Registered users to log in (in your Single Stores settings) that Peter would be able to use his saved payment methods and shipping address. Register Users really don’t have so much to do with access as they do with saved information for return shopping.
- Department notification for product sold?
- 20151012 Mathew Lindley: There are two ways to do this which offers different granularity:
- A store manager can opt to receive emails on all products by going to "Edit My Profile" on the left hand menu.
- At the product configuration level, can add email addresses for "Product Notification". Can be configured for each option combination (e.g. stock number)
- Department emails do not contain modifiers, but customer emails do.
- A store manager can opt to receive emails on all products by going to "Edit My Profile" on the left hand menu.
- 20151012 Mathew Lindley: There are two ways to do this which offers different granularity:
- 20151012 Mathew Lindley: The end user and school each receive an email saying payment failed on CC recurring failures.
- 20151012 Cecilia Do: In this case, department may want to cancel the future recurring transactions and contact the customer to make a new recurring payment.
- 20151012: Regarding collecting checks/alternative payment methods besides credit cards:
- Offer $0 products that collect the customer information, and instruct customers to submit alternative payment.
- Can have product options for each type of payment and different prices.
- 20151105 CD: Single store URL
- 20151207 CD: If do not have an image for a product, may consider using just a white square.
- Promotional codes for packages do not work.
Per Lindsay Carroll's email to Rhett Lowe from Education: Unfortunately, the current functionality of promotion codes doesn’t allow promo codes to be set up on packages, only individual products. They are currently working on a case with another University that has the same concerns but a resolution date is indefinite. Their only advice to me was to submit an enhancement request to increase the functionality of promotion codes. I will do this today, however, if and when this gets resolved is unknown. - Product fulfillment
- Authorization & settlement
- Credit card is authorized at order time
- If order is fulfilled within 72 hours, the authorization is still active and the transaction will be submitted to the credit card batch for settlement
- If order is not fulfilled within 72 hours, the authorization will be automatically reversed/cancelled
- Upon fulfillment, the credit card will be authorized again, and if successful, will be submitted to the credit card batch for settlement
- There are no partial fulfillments (e.g. have 5 products, ship 3 products, and later ship the remaining 2). Entire shipment is sent, or the quantity can be decreased.
- Marketplace revenue reports are based off the fulfillment date for products requiring manual fulfillment
Fulfilled order transactions will be submitted for the day's credit card batch for settlement
Tip Marketplace Revenue reports and Payment Gateway credit card reports are in sync for ledger posting of manually fulfilled orders.
- Authorization & settlement
- Free shipping if order amount exceeds X - Work arounds
- Staff reverse shipping charges same day
- For manual fulfillment, can reverse after fulfillment
- Authorization amount will be adjusted
- Settlement ill be for the adjusted amount only
- Department assessed expense on adjusted amount
- If next business day or after, then reversal will be a separate refund line item
- Multiple line items will be seen on customer card account
- Department assessed expense on each item
- For manual fulfillment, can reverse after fulfillment
- Unique promo code
- Call department to retrieve
- Create shipping class for free shipping
- No validation on amount
- Honor system with customers
- Staff reverse shipping charges same day
- (Chris Wong) how to set up variable pricing for a product
- set the product type as Donation
- check ‘User entered amount’ in the Donation amount section
Tip |
uPay test page: uPay posting URL: |
- uPay posting URL
- Location that department storefront will initiate request post and redirect
- (Sean Lee) 20150807 Mathew Lindley: The uPay posting URL is where you post the parameters and the user redirect occurs in that single operation. There is an example posting in the uPay Technical Guide. This is the only method of posting to a uPay site.
- (Sean Lee) Department postback
- Send TouchNet the IPs and ports to allow postbacks through the TouchNet firewall
- (Rich Martucci) So when we are ready to move to the production server we will need to send you the ssl certificate .cer renamed as .txt for that server too correct?
- 20151014 Adam Stambaugh: More than likely. If wildcards are used than it may not be needed but to be on the safe side sending in the cert is the best bet.
- 20160226 Cecilia Do: For troubleshooting the postback, go here
- (Sean Lee) I have noted two additional postback parameters with corresponding value in postback result: __VIEWSTATE and __VIEWSTATEGENERATOR. What are these values for and is there a way that we can exclude them in postback?
- 20150818 Mathew Lindley: The two parameters are not part of TMS. If they are being posted to the posting URL, it is because they are being passed to TMS on entry. The school needs to change their application to not pass them.
- Alphanumeric plus special characters
- Sample: hX0r0Huchc9gv+ReALWrkQ
- 20150817 Sean Lee: Now I know that we cannot have hyphen as part of validation key. I have tried to include hyphen in ExtTransId and TouchNet complains.
- (Sean Lee) The other question I have is related to validation key. I have setup HousingTest uPay site with a validation key. Let’s say my campus web application is not configured or is configured with incorrect validation key for posting. TouchNet will redirect user to this page (see attachment), and stay on that page if user clicked the “Please click here to return” button. Is there a way that we can configure this scenario in uPay setting with an external URL similar to the way we configure for success/error/cancel page?
- 20150818 Mathew Lindley: The ‘Please click here to return’ button is not configurable. It returns the user back to the location they were sent from.
- (Sean Lee) What is the maximum field length return by uPay postback for the following fields:
CREDIT_ACCT_AMT_2All of them have field type ALPHANUMERIC and FIELD LENGTH Unlimited. What is the maximum “possible” return value for unlimited length? We want to limit the field length but at same time try to prevent truncation to occur. This is especially important for tpg_trans_id and CREDIT_ACCT_CODE/CREDIT_ACCT_CODE_2.
- 20150821 Mathew Lindley:
- The maximum length allowed to be entered into the Op Center when creating an accounting code is 50. So their maximum length is defined by what they use for accounting codes.
- Validation key is not passed back to the posting url, but it is calculated and passed by the school, so they should be able to see the length, but I believe that it is 24.
- tpg_trans_id is defined by payment gateway, but I believe for credit cards the format is always year, month, day and 6 numbers for a total of 14. Ach is just a one up number, so that can grow over time.
- 20150821 Mathew Lindley:
(Cecilia Do) Can you confirm what will happen when we transmit an invalid account code (CREDIT_ACCT_CODE) in uPay?
We're seeing:
uPay session is successful. Customer can make payment.
- Transaction shows up in:
- uPay reports
- Payment Gateway reports
- Transaction does not show up in Marketplace Accounting Code report
- The transaction shows up under GL Exception
- We can correct the Accounting Code and mark it as complete
- After which transaction will show up in Marketplace Accounting Code report under the newly selected Account Code
20150820 Mathew Lindley: We have confirmed that yes, payments are taken and completed before attempting to send to G/L. If an exception occurs, payments are not reversed, G/L error notifications are sent.
(Cecilia Do) 20150825 Mathew Lindley (in red)
- For the uPay payment reversals (same day VOID and subsequent refunds), will a postback be sent? No
- Is this the “Post data when payment is cancelled:” parameter under “Posting Settings”? Post data when payment is cancelled controls whether we post back to you when the customer hits the cancel button
- If a transaction had multiple partial refunds, will a postback be transmitted for each one with the appropriate refunded amount? No
- And what about recurring payments? Will a postback be sent out for each payment that is processed on the scheduled payment date? Yes
- (Cecilia Do) Can you delete a uStore/uPay as long as it hasn’t taken payments yet? And once a payment is taken, the store/site can only be disabled, not deleted?
- 20150825 Mathew Lindley: Correct.
- (Cecilia Do) It looks like uStore and uPay names are not required to be unique.
- 20150825 Mathew Lindley: Correct.
- (Cecilia Do) When a store is no longer used, we can only disable it? And it will forever show up on the Revenue by Merchant reports with 0 amounts?
- 20150825 Mathew Lindley: Correct, although it will only show up with zero depending on how far you search back. If you haven’t used the store or site you can delete it.
- They will stay there for reporting. We do allow the deletion of uStore products though.
(Cecilia Do) When a uPay site's name is changed, the reports will display the new name, even for transaction data before the name change.
- (Sean Lee) Does uPay support postback encryption? I am a bit concerned on postback security and wondering if it has any methods to encrypt the postback string.
- 20150908 Mathew Lindley: I’m not aware of any post back encryption, although it should be noted that we would never receive a post or send a post back that contains payment data; that information is entered on the uPay pages and is only saved within our datacenter at that point.
- (Cecilia Do on behalf of Linda Snyder) I understand that TouchNet has monthly maintenance. Are we able to request for uninterrupted service during our peak payment period? For example, the period 2-3 weeks where students make an SIR (Student Intent to Register) payment is critical. Can we request for uninterrupted service during those weeks?
- 20150916 Michelle Sullivan: You are correct, we do have monthly maintenance that occur on Wednesday. Unfortunately it is a datacenter-wide activity and we cannot pull certain schools from this. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
- (Sean Lee) It occurs to me that I need some ways to verify user’s identity for those that visit success page, cancel page, and error page via uPay redirect. Is there a way that we can append parameters (e.g., campus identifier, tpg_trans_id, user-defined parameters, etc.) from post string at the end of redirect URL so the referred page can parse and verify?
- 20150917 Mathew Lindley: Posted parameters are not added to the Success Link. If they want the posted parameters passed back to them, they need to use a posting url. UPAY_SITE_ID and EXT_TRANS_ID are added to the success url unless they have turn this off in the Payment Settings page with the “Transaction ID Settings - Show External Transaction Id in URL” setting.
- (Markus Quon) With the UPAY_SITE_ID and EXT_TRANS_ID, we are able to identify the record (person) being redirected, however, there is no trust that the redirect URL was tampered with because it lacks trust/validation information. Is there a way to include one more item such as the VALIDATION_KEY which the external user would not know, but TouchNet does know (Cecilia: this is comparable to the session id key in our current world).
- 20150917 Mathew Lindley: This is not possible in our current environment.
- (Markus Quon) I'm a bit concerned about the lack of the VALIDATION_KEY as part of the redirect process. There's a big disconnect that breaks trust and actually would open the door for someone to brute force if a uPay client blindly trust the EXT_TRANS_ID to continue to process assuming they still are handling the same “customer.” Our only saving grace for the UX is that we are able to check for our session and if it exists correlate that with the EXT_TRANS_ID to validate if we have the same user; and in all other cases force reauthentication.
- (Dianne Bean) 20150928 Mathew Lindley: Adding new merchants / uStores / uPay sites does NOT require any kind of restart. As soon as they are created, they will show up.
(Cecilia Do) Regarding going live. For uPay, there’s no preview mode, right? If a department wants to test to the point of authorization, postback, and viewing reports, do we enable the uPay site, go through the local storefront, make a payment with a personal card, check for the postback, view the reports, and do a same-day reversal?
20150930 Mathew Lindley: That would be the best way to test it front-to-back. You can also use the TEST uPay page to simply test transactions without involving the posting application.
- (Linda Snyder) The “Site Email Address” item in “General Settings” of the Miscellaneous page…. Is this for administrator announcements/alerts? Or is this for users to submit queries?
Used as the contact e-mail address on e-mail confirmation messages to the customer. In addition, warning messages for posting URL failures, GL update failures, and recurring payment failures are sent to this e-mail address.
How to view reversals (voids/refunds) in reports
- Marketplace Reports » uPay Sites » <uPay name>
- » Revenue
- Input date range.
- Lists out individual transaction and refund lines.
- » By Product
- Input date range.
- Product drilldown will list out individual transaction and refund lines.
- » Revenue
- Marketplace Reports » uPay Sites » <uPay name>
- 20151012 Mathew Lindley: The end user and school each receive an email saying payment failed on CC recurring failures.
- Department notification for transactions processed?
- 20151013 Mathew Lindley: A uPay site manager can opt to receive emails by going to "Edit My Profile" on the left hand menu.
- 20151013 Mathew Lindley: A uPay site manager can opt to receive emails by going to "Edit My Profile" on the left hand menu.
- Email receipt signature block uses uPay site name by default. Can override by configuring "Payment Notification Signature Text" under "Miscellaneous" section
- User's browser might show insecure red lock icon in the https URL in uPay site.
- The SSL certificate for, is certainly valid and secure. This warning is most only being seen by certain older operating systems (generally MAC) and internet browsers that are having issues recognizing new SSL certificates. Therefore, if those users can visit the site in Safari and permanently trust the root certificate as shown in the attached image, it should resolve future warnings in Safari and Chrome as well.
- The SSL certificate for, is certainly valid and secure. This warning is most only being seen by certain older operating systems (generally MAC) and internet browsers that are having issues recognizing new SSL certificates. Therefore, if those users can visit the site in Safari and permanently trust the root certificate as shown in the attached image, it should resolve future warnings in Safari and Chrome as well.
- (Cecilia Do) Per TouchNet Customer Care, there is no way to repost a postback if it is not in the posting exceptions list. The department will need to perform manual updates.
- (Cecilia Do) For passing parameters to your uPay site, can we define our own fields for input? Do these self-defined fields come back to us in the postback? Can we pass over fields not defined in the Technical Guide? Say I pass over fields called student_id = '12345678' and term_code = 'F2017'. Will I get these value pairs in the postback so my web system can further process this data? Or does uPay only accept the parameters defined in the uPay Technical Guide?
- Yes, allowed! Cecilia confirmed on TEST environment .
- TouchNet Customer Care: You can pass any parameter you like, we will pass them back to the posting url. Take a look at section 10.4 of the Marketplace Users guide. or the uPay Technical Guide Section 1.0 “uPay will accept any parameters that you pass and in turn pass the parameters back to your campus web application after the transaction is processed”.
- Encode value before putting onto uPay test page:
Line break
Code Block language xml <br>
Code Block language xml <font color="red">Hello, this is red.</font>
- (Cecilia Do) 20230207: Configure time zone in local user profile
To set the time zone for how data is displayed in the uCommerce, please follow these steps:
Log into uCommerce > in the upper right, click your name > Then select "Edit Profile"
Once that page comes up, set the time zone to desired settings. > Then click "Save"
The setting to change the time zone for reports in your user profile will be on an individual basis for each user.
It will not have any effect on realm C21570.
- CD: This impacts the Payment Gateway reports. Marketplace reports already reflect Pacific time, regardless of profile Time Zone setting
- (Cecilia Do) 20230216: What does the Time Zone under Administration > System Configuration > Default Localization Settings control? [ Does this ] impact the whole “realm” C21570?
- Do not change the settings in Administration unless necessary. They control a lot of internal processes.
- (I-Rong Lin) Credit card transaction data is kept indefinitely (e.g. not purged or limited)
- All reports are available via CSV
- Marketplace reports
Query Dates
- (Cecilia Do) For the query date parameters, is the “From” date starting at the beginning of the day? And the “To” date is the end of the day? For example, if I entered 8/4/15 for both, the criteria would be 8/4/15 12:00:00.000AM through 8/4/15 11:59:59.999PM.
- 20150806 Mathew Lindley: Correct
- (Cecilia Do) Is this Central Time? (which is ok because the transaction dates are Central Time anyways?)
- 20150806 Mathew Lindley: Correct
- (Cecilia Do) For the query date parameters, is the “From” date starting at the beginning of the day? And the “To” date is the end of the day? For example, if I entered 8/4/15 for both, the criteria would be 8/4/15 12:00:00.000AM through 8/4/15 11:59:59.999PM.
20150804 Mathew Lindley: If the transaction is auto-fulfill, the report is based on activity for that transaction. If the transaction is not auto-fulfill, the report is based on the fulfillment date (which works, because we wouldn’t send the transaction to the batch until fulfillment either way).
- Revenue by Accounting Code Report
- (Cecilia Do) How do voids (or same day reversals) look in this report? Are they two separate line items with a positive amount and a negative amount with two separate timestamps? Or is it one line that was originally a positive amount, and then gets zeroed out? (relates to #3-b below)
- 20150806 Mathew Lindley: The report will show the total for each accounting code but you can also view the report in detail which will show all the transactions that make up the totals
- Cecilia Do: Authorization comes in as one credit line. Same day reversal comes in as a debit line. If the void comes in the second day, then the first day will have the credit, the second day will have a debit.
- (I-Rong Lin) Does Revenue by Accounting Code report only contain settled transactions?
- 20150806 Mathew Lindley: No, It contains all completed transactions in Marketplace, including transactions which may not have yet settled for their daily batch. Cecilia and I discussed this as well and I would recommend comparing the Batch Detail Report to the Revenue by Accounting Detail Report, using the first and last transactions from the Batch report to define the list of Accounting updates for that batch. Very slow in all likelihood but the only way to ensure accurate manual GL updates using these reports.
- (Cecilia Do) Suppose we configured our batches to close for settlement at 5PM daily (which we do in our current system). Then I run a report for 8/4/15.
- Will it include the settled transactions that were auto-fulfilled/fulfilled from 8/4 12AM through 8/4 5PM, and the not-yet-settled transactions auto-fulfilled/fulfilled from 8/4 5PM through 8/4 11:59PM?
- 20150806 Mathew Lindley: Correct, but if you compare to batch detail as described above you can sort this out.
- How will the data look if an authorization goes in on 8/4 6PM, and then on 8/5 8AM I void it?
- 20150806 Mathew Lindley: You will see both transactions in the accounting code report, neither of the transactions will show in the batch detail report
- Will it include the settled transactions that were auto-fulfilled/fulfilled from 8/4 12AM through 8/4 5PM, and the not-yet-settled transactions auto-fulfilled/fulfilled from 8/4 5PM through 8/4 11:59PM?
(Cecilia Do) Settlement cutoff is 5PM. $100 authorization for account code MISC at 6PM last night. Same transaction was voided 8AM this morning.When I pull a report for yesterday, the accounting code report (summary) will showMISC - $100 - credit?
When I pull a report for today, the accounting code report (summary) will showMISC - $100 - debit?
When I pull a report for yesterday through today, the accounting code report (summary) will not show MISC, since it netted out to $0?
- (Cecilia Do) We found that the Revenue by Accounting Code Detail Report CSV is missing the fulfillment date column.
- 20150813 Mathew Lindley: Product Development says this is not intended and is a bug. I am entering a ticket to get this fixed.
- (Cecilia Do) The Accounting Code report is pulled by fulfillment date.
- If there was a GL Exception say yesterday, and the exception was not processed until today, the Accounting Codes amounts are still tied to the original date: yesterday, e.g. they will not show up on today's date, the date you marked the exception as complete.
- (Cecilia Do) How do voids (or same day reversals) look in this report? Are they two separate line items with a positive amount and a negative amount with two separate timestamps? Or is it one line that was originally a positive amount, and then gets zeroed out? (relates to #3-b below)
- (Cecilia Do) 20150825 Mathew Lindley (in red): For the Revenue by Merchant:
- How do recurring payments show up? I’m guessing they show up on the date that a payment is scheduled to be made? Yeah, this is only revenue in a timeframe, without projected recurrences factored in.
- This report will show a summary including same-day reversals and refunds? I don’t think so but just to be sure I would recommend doing it, that should be easy to test.
- 20150828 Cecilia Do: Reversal, same-day or not, is a new line with a negative amount. The summary amount totals the net as expected.
- How do we view a list of products and all the modifiers?
- 20151012 Mathew Lindley: Go to Marketplace Reports » Stores » <Store> » By Product.
- Drill-down to specific product.
- Displays transactions with all modifiers
- Option to "Export to CSV". Can pick-and-choose modifiers to export.
- Drill-down to specific product.
- 20151012 Mathew Lindley: Go to Marketplace Reports » Stores » <Store> » By Product.
- For the "By Stock No." report, it does differ from the Totals report for the same store because the totals includes the taxes, whereas By Stock No. does not. The By Product, By Stock No., and By Product Type all reference the same amount.
- Payment Gateway reports
- (I-Rong Lin) Batch Settlement report is broken down by MID
- The Credit Card Type Usage Report is based off the batch settlement time.
- (I-Rong Lin) One batch per MID?
- 20150806 Mathew Lindley: No, you can send multiple batches to a single MID (with each have their own reports).
- (I-Rong Lin) Batch Settlement report is broken down by MID
- Product fulfillment
- Marketplace revenue reports are based off the fulfillment date for products requiring manual fulfillment
Fulfilled order transactions will be submitted for the day's credit card batch for settlement
Tip Marketplace Revenue reports and Payment Gateway credit card reports are in sync for ledger posting of manually fulfilled orders.