You site sends search queries to UCI Search. Results can be narrowed based on how you configure the search function here.
Defining custom search scopes
The search scope defines which sites within the UCI domain results will be returned from. By default, users can select from ‘All UCI’, which returns results from all sites within the uci.edu domain, or ‘Directory’, which will return results form the campus directory.
Defining custom search scopes
The search scope defines which sites within the UCI donmain results will be returned from
Custom search scopes you define are added to the top of the scopes dropdown.
Setting Define custom search scopes to ‘Yes’ will cause the Scope group to display.
This is the text used for the radio button label in the scopes dropdown.
Enter the domain of the website(s) you want to include in your scope. Do not include the URL schema (e.g., http:// or https://).